This tutorial demonstrates how to apply the TracInCP algorithm for influential examples interpretability from the Captum library. TracInCP calculates the influence score of a given training example on a given test example, which roughly speaking, represents how much higher the loss for the given test example would be if the given training example were removed from the training dataset, and the model re-trained. This functionality can be leveraged towards the following 2 use cases:
TracInCP can be used for any trained Pytorch model for which several model checkpoints are available.
Note: Before running this tutorial, please do the following:
Currently, Captum offers 3 implementations, all of which implement the same API. More specifically, they define an influence
method, which can be used in 2 different modes:
The 3 different implementations are defined in the following classes:
: considers gradients in all specified layers when computing influence scores. Specifying many layers will slow the execution of all 3 modes.TracInCPFast
: In Appendix F of the TracIn paper, they show that if considering only gradients in the last fully-connected layer when computing influence scores, the computation can be done more quickly than naively applying backprop to compute gradients, using a computational trick. TracInCPFast
computes influence scores, considering only the last fully-connected layer, using that trick. TracInCPFast
is useful if you want to reduce the time and memory usage, relative to TracInCP
: The previous two classes were not meant for "interactive" use, because each call to influence
in influence score mode or top-k most influential mode takes time proportional to the training dataset size. On the other hand, TracInCPFastRandProj
enables "interactive" use, i.e. constant-time calls to influence
for those two modes. The price we pay is that in TracInCPFastRandProj.__init__
, pre-processing is done to store embeddings related to each training example into a nearest-neighbors data structure. This pre-processing takes both time and memory proportional to training dataset size. Furthermore, random projections can be applied to reduce memory usage, at the cost of the influence scores used in those two modes to be only approximately correct. Like TracInCPFast
, this class only considers gradients in the last fully-connected layer, and is useful if you want to reduce the time and memory usage, relative to TracInCP
.%matplotlib inline
%load_ext autoreload
%autoreload 2
import datetime
import glob
import os
import pickle
import warnings
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import torch
import torch.nn as nn
import torch.nn.functional as F
import torch.optim as optim
import torchvision
import torchvision.transforms as transforms
from captum.influence import TracInCP, TracInCPFast, TracInCPFastRandProj
from sklearn.metrics import auc, roc_curve
from import DataLoader, Dataset, Subset
First, we will illustrate the ability of TracInCP to identify influential examples, i.e. use the influence
method in "top-k most influential" mode. To do this, we need 3 components:
used to train net
. For this we will use correct_dataset
, the original CIFAR-10 training split.Dataset
from which to select test examples, test_dataset
. For this, we will use the original CIFAR-10 validation split. This will also be useful for monitoring
with correct_dataset
. We will train and save
¶We will use a relatively simple model from the following tutorial:
We first define the architecture of net
class Net(nn.Module):
def __init__(self):
super(Net, self).__init__()
self.conv1 = nn.Conv2d(3, 6, 5)
self.pool1 = nn.MaxPool2d(2, 2)
self.pool2 = nn.MaxPool2d(2, 2)
self.conv2 = nn.Conv2d(6, 16, 5)
self.fc1 = nn.Linear(16 * 5 * 5, 120)
self.fc2 = nn.Linear(120, 84)
self.fc3 = nn.Linear(84, 10)
self.relu1 = nn.ReLU()
self.relu2 = nn.ReLU()
self.relu3 = nn.ReLU()
self.relu4 = nn.ReLU()
def forward(self, x):
x = self.pool1(self.relu1(self.conv1(x)))
x = self.pool2(self.relu2(self.conv2(x)))
x = x.view(-1, 16 * 5 * 5)
x = self.relu3(self.fc1(x))
x = self.relu4(self.fc2(x))
x = self.fc3(x)
return x
In the cell below, we initialize net
net = Net()
Because both are image datasets we will first define the normalize
and inverse_normalize
transforms to transform from image to input, and input to image, respectively.
normalize = transforms.Compose([
transforms.Normalize((0.5, 0.5, 0.5), (0.5, 0.5, 0.5)),
inverse_normalize = transforms.Compose([
transforms.Normalize(mean = [0., 0., 0.], std = [1/0.5, 1/0.5, 1/0.5]),
transforms.Normalize(mean = [-0.5, -0.5, -0.5], std = [1., 1., 1.]),
¶correct_dataset_path = "data/cifar_10"
correct_dataset = torchvision.datasets.CIFAR10(root=correct_dataset_path, train=True, download=True, transform=normalize)
Files already downloaded and verified
¶This will be the same as correct_dataset
, so that it shares the same path and transform. The only difference is that that it uses the validation split
test_dataset = torchvision.datasets.CIFAR10(root=correct_dataset_path, train=False, download=True, transform=normalize)
Files already downloaded and verified
We will obtain checkpoints by training net
for 26 epochs on correct_dataset
. In general, there should be at least 5 checkpoints, and they can be evenly spaced throughout training, or better yet, be for epochs where the loss decreased a lot.
We first define a training function, which is copied from the above tutorial
def train(net, num_epochs, train_dataloader, test_dataloader, checkpoints_dir, save_every):
start_time =
if not os.path.exists(checkpoints_dir):
criterion = nn.CrossEntropyLoss()
optimizer = optim.SGD(net.parameters(), lr=0.001, momentum=0.9)
for epoch in range(num_epochs): # loop over the dataset multiple times
epoch_loss = 0.0
running_loss = 0.0
for i, data in enumerate(train_dataloader):
# get the inputs
inputs, labels = data
# zero the parameter gradients
# forward + backward + optimize
outputs = net(inputs)
loss = criterion(outputs, labels)
# print statistics
running_loss += loss.item()
if (i + 1) % 100 == 0: # print every 100 mini-batches
print("[%d, %5d] loss: %.3f" % (epoch + 1, i + 1, running_loss / 100))
epoch_loss += running_loss
running_loss = 0.0
if epoch % save_every == 0:
checkpoint_name = "-".join(["checkpoint", str(epoch) + ".pt"])
"epoch": epoch,
"model_state_dict": net.state_dict(),
"optimizer_state_dict": optimizer.state_dict(),
"loss": epoch_loss,
os.path.join(checkpoints_dir, checkpoint_name),
# Calcualate validation accuracy
correct = 0
total = 0
# since we're not training, we don't need to calculate the gradients for our outputs
with torch.no_grad():
for data in test_dataloader:
images, labels = data
# calculate outputs by running images through the network
outputs = net(images)
# the class with the highest energy is what we choose as prediction
_, predicted = torch.max(, 1)
total += labels.size(0)
correct += (predicted == labels).sum().item()
print("Accuracy of the network on test set at epoch %d: %d %%" % (epoch, 100 * correct / total))
total_minutes = ( - start_time).total_seconds() / 60.0
print("Finished training in %.2f minutes" % total_minutes)
We then define the folder to save checkpoints in. We will need this folder later to run TracInCP algorithms.
correct_dataset_checkpoints_dir = os.path.join("checkpoints", "cifar_10_correct_dataset")
Finally, we train the model, converting correct_dataset
and test_dataset
into DataLoader
s, and saving every 5-th checkpoint.
For this tutorial, we have saved the checkpoints from this training on AWS S3, and you can just download those checkpoints instead of doing time-intensive training. If you want to do training yourself, please set the do_training
flag in the next cell to True
num_epochs = 26
do_training = False # change to `True` if you want to do training
if do_training:
train(net, num_epochs, DataLoader(correct_dataset, batch_size=128, shuffle=True), DataLoader(test_dataset, batch_size=128, shuffle=True), correct_dataset_checkpoints_dir, save_every=5)
elif not os.path.exists(correct_dataset_checkpoints_dir):
# this should download the zipped folder of checkpoints from the S3 bucket
# then unzip the folder to produce checkpoints in the folder `checkpoints/cifar_10_correct_dataset`
# this is done if checkpoints do not already exist in the folder
# if the below commands do not work, please manually download and unzip the folder to produce checkpoints in that folder
!wget -O checkpoints/
!unzip -o checkpoints/ -d checkpoints
We define the list of checkpoints, correct_dataset_checkpoint_paths
, to be all checkpoints from training.
correct_dataset_checkpoint_paths = glob.glob(os.path.join(correct_dataset_checkpoints_dir, "*.pt"))
We also define a function that loads a given checkpoint into a given model. This will be useful immediately, as well as for use in all TracInCP implementations. When used in TracInCP implementations, this function should return the learning rate at the checkpoint. However, if that learning rate is not available, it is safe to simply return 1, as we do, because it turns out TracInCP implementations are not sensitive to that learning rate.
def checkpoints_load_func(net, path):
weights = torch.load(path)
return 1.
We first load net
with the last checkpoint so that the predictions we make in the next cell will be for the trained model. We save this last checkpoint as correct_dataset_final_checkpoint
, because it turns out we will re-use this checkpoint later on.
correct_dataset_final_checkpoint = os.path.join(correct_dataset_checkpoints_dir, "-".join(['checkpoint', str(num_epochs - 1) + '.pt']))
checkpoints_load_func(net, correct_dataset_final_checkpoint)
Now, we define test_examples_features
, the features for a batch of test examples to identify influential examples for, and also store the correct as well as predicted labels.
test_examples_indices = [0,1,2,3]
test_examples_features = torch.stack([test_dataset[i][0] for i in test_examples_indices])
test_examples_predicted_probs, test_examples_predicted_labels = torch.max(F.softmax(net(test_examples_features), dim=1), dim=1)
test_examples_true_labels = torch.Tensor([test_dataset[i][1] for i in test_examples_indices]).long()
Recall from above that there are several implementations of the TracInCP algorithm. In particular, TracInCP
is more time and memory intensive than TracInCPFast
and TracInCPFastRandProj
. For this tutorial, to save time, we will only use TracInCPFast
and TracInCPFastRandProj.
To choose between TracInCPFast
and TracInCPFastRandProj
, recall that TracInCPFastRandProj
is suitable for "interactive" use, when multiple calls to use the influence
method in "influence score" and "top-k most influential" mode will be made. In return for the "interactive" use capability, TracInCPFastRandProj
requires an initial pre-processing, which can be both time and memory intensive. On the other hand, TracInCPFast
does not support "interactive" use, but avoids the initial pre-processing.
instance¶We will first illustrate the use of TracInCPFast
, to avoid the initial pre-processing (since we will only call the influence
method once, we will not be taking advantage of "interactive" use capability).
To fully define the TracInCPFast
implementation, several more parameters also need to be defined:
: a reference or the name of the last fully-connected layer whose gradients will be used to calculate influence scores. This must be the last layer.loss_fn
: The loss function used in training.batch_size
: The batch size of training data used for calculating influence scores. It does not affect the actual influence scores computed, but can affect the computational efficiency. In particular, the fewer batches needed to iterate through the training data, the faster influence
is in all modes. This is because influence
loads model checkpoints once for each batch. So batch_size
should be set large, but not too large (or else the batches will not fit in memory).vectorize
: Whether to use an experimental feature accelerating Jacobian computation. Only available in PyTorch version >1.6.We are now ready to create the TracInCPFast
tracin_cp_fast = TracInCPFast(
¶Now, we call the influence
method of tracin_cp_fast
to compute the influential examples of the test examples represented by test_examples_features
and test_examples_true_labels
. We need to specify whether we want proponents or opponents via the proponents
boolean argument, and how many influential examples to return per test example via the k
argument. Note that k
must be specified. Otherwise, the "influence score" mode will be run. This call should take < 2 minutes.
Note that we pass the test examples as a single tuple. This is because for all implementations, when we pass a single batch, batch
to the influence
method, we assume that batch[-1]
has the labels for the batch, and model(*(batch[0:-1]))
produces the predictions for the batch, so that batch[0:-1]
contains the features for the batch. This convention is was introduced in a recent API change.
This call returns a namedtuple
with ordered elements (indices, influence_scores)
. indices
is a 2D tensor of shape (test_batch_size, k)
, where test_batch_size
is the number of test examples in test_examples_batch
. influence_scores
is of the same shape, but stores the influence scores of the proponents / opponents for each test example in sorted order. For example, if proponents
is True
, influence_scores[i][j]
is the influence score of the training example with the j
-th most positive influence score on test example i
k = 10
start_time =
proponents_indices, proponents_influence_scores = tracin_cp_fast.influence(
(test_examples_features, test_examples_true_labels), k=k, proponents=True
opponents_indices, opponents_influence_scores = tracin_cp_fast.influence(
(test_examples_features, test_examples_true_labels), k=k, proponents=False
total_minutes = ( - start_time).total_seconds() / 60.0
"Computed proponents / opponents over a dataset of %d examples in %.2f minutes"
% (len(correct_dataset), total_minutes)
Computed proponents / opponents over a dataset of 50000 examples in 1.11 minutes
In order to display results, we define a few helper functions that display a test example, display a set of training examples, as well as a helper transform going from a tensor in the datasets to a tensor suitable for the matplotlib imshow
function, and a mapping from numerical label (i.e. 4) to class (i.e. "cat").
label_to_class = ('plane', 'car', 'bird', 'cat', 'deer', 'dog', 'frog', 'horse', 'ship', 'truck')
imshow_transform = lambda tensor_in_dataset: inverse_normalize(tensor_in_dataset.squeeze()).permute(1, 2, 0)
def display_test_example(example, true_label, predicted_label, predicted_prob, label_to_class):
fig, ax = plt.subplots()
print('true_class:', label_to_class[true_label])
print('predicted_class:', label_to_class[predicted_label])
print('predicted_prob', predicted_prob)
ax.imshow(torch.clip(imshow_transform(example), 0, 1))
def display_training_examples(examples, true_labels, label_to_class, figsize=(10,4)):
fig = plt.figure(figsize=figsize)
num_examples = len(examples)
for i in range(num_examples):
ax = fig.add_subplot(1, num_examples, i+1)
ax.imshow(torch.clip(imshow_transform(examples[i]), 0, 1))
return fig
def display_proponents_and_opponents(test_examples_batch, proponents_indices, opponents_indices, test_examples_true_labels, test_examples_predicted_labels, test_examples_predicted_probs):
for (
) in zip(
print("test example:")
test_example_proponents_tensors, test_example_proponents_labels = zip(
*[correct_dataset[i] for i in test_example_proponents]
test_example_proponents_tensors, test_example_proponents_labels, label_to_class, figsize=(20, 8)
test_example_opponents_tensors, test_example_opponents_labels = zip(
*[correct_dataset[i] for i in test_example_opponents]
test_example_opponents_tensors, test_example_opponents_labels, label_to_class, figsize=(20, 8)
We can display, for each test example, its proponents and opponents
test example: true_class: cat predicted_class: cat predicted_prob tensor(0.4126, grad_fn=<UnbindBackward0>)
test example: true_class: ship predicted_class: ship predicted_prob tensor(0.5685, grad_fn=<UnbindBackward0>)
test example: true_class: ship predicted_class: ship predicted_prob tensor(0.3574, grad_fn=<UnbindBackward0>)
test example: true_class: plane predicted_class: ship predicted_prob tensor(0.6398, grad_fn=<UnbindBackward0>)
We see that the results make intuitive sense. For example, the proponents of a test example that is a cat are all cats, labelled as cats. On the other hand, the opponents are all animals that look somewhat like cats, but are labelled as being other animals (i.e. dogs). Thus the presence of these opponents drives the prediction on the test example away from cat.
instance¶We also define and use a TracInCPFastRandProj
instance to show its pros and cons.
Note that __init__
has 2 new arguments, due to the fact TracInCPFastRandProj
stores embeddings related to each example in the training dataset in a nearest-neighbors data structure.
: This is a nearest-neighbors class used internally to find proponents / opponents quickly (proponents / opponents of a test example are those whose embeddings of a certain kind are similar / dissimilar to those of the text sample, see the TracIn paper for more details). Currently, only a single nearest-neighbors class is offered: AnnoyNearestNeighbors
, which wraps the Annoy library. This class has a single argument: num_trees
. The number of trees to use. Increasing this number gives more accurate computation of nearest neighbors, but requires longer setup time to create the trees, as well as memory.projection_dim
: The embeddings may be too high-dimension and require too much memory. Random projections can be used to reduce the dimension of those embeddings. This argument specifies that dimension (it corresponds to the d
variable in Page 15 of the Appendix of the TracIn paper). In more detail, the embedding is the concatenation of several "checkpoint-embeddings", each of which corresponds to a particular checkpoint. Therefore, the dimension of the embedding is actually projection_dim
times the number of checkpoints used.Note: initialization will take ~10 minutes, so feel free to skip the tutorial parts related to TracInCPFastRandProj
from captum.influence._utils.nearest_neighbors import AnnoyNearestNeighbors
start_time =
tracin_cp_fast_rand_proj = TracInCPFastRandProj(
total_minutes = ( - start_time).total_seconds() / 60.0
"Performed pre-processing of a dataset of %d examples in %.2f minutes"
% (len(correct_dataset), total_minutes)
Performed pre-processing of a dataset of 50000 examples in 4.98 minutes
¶As before, we can compute the proponents / opponents using the influence
method of this TracInCPFastRandProj
instance. Unlike the TracInCPFast
instance, this computation should be very fast, due to the preprocessing done during initialization.
k = 10
start_time =
proponents_indices, proponents_influence_scores = tracin_cp_fast_rand_proj.influence(
(test_examples_features, test_examples_true_labels), k=k, proponents=True
opponents_indices, opponents_influence_scores = tracin_cp_fast_rand_proj.influence(
(test_examples_features, test_examples_true_labels), k=k, proponents=False
total_minutes = ( - start_time).total_seconds() / 60.0
"Computed proponents / opponents over a dataset of %d examples in %.2f minutes"
% (len(correct_dataset), total_minutes)
Computed proponents / opponents over a dataset of 50000 examples in 0.01 minutes
We can display, for each test example, its proponents and opponents
test example: true_class: cat predicted_class: cat predicted_prob tensor(0.4126, grad_fn=<UnbindBackward0>)
test example: true_class: ship predicted_class: ship predicted_prob tensor(0.5685, grad_fn=<UnbindBackward0>)
test example: true_class: ship predicted_class: ship predicted_prob tensor(0.3574, grad_fn=<UnbindBackward0>)
test example: true_class: plane predicted_class: ship predicted_prob tensor(0.6398, grad_fn=<UnbindBackward0>)
We see that the proponents / opponents are not the same as before, but they are still reasonable.
Now, we will illustrate the ability of TracInCP to identify mislabelled data. As before, we need 3 components:
used to train net
, mislabelled_dataset
, test_dataset
. For this, we will use the original CIFAR-10 validation split. Unlike when using TracInCP to identify influential examples for certain test examples, we only use this for monitoring training; we are just identifying mislabelled examples in the training data. Also note that unlike mislabelled_dataset
, test_dataset
will not have mislabelled
with mislabelled_dataset
¶We need to initialize net
again, because currently, net
is loaded with the parameters from training using correct_dataset
, but we now want to train net
from scratch using mislabelled_dataset
net = Net()
¶We now define mislabelled_dataset
by artificially introducing mis-labelled examples into correct_dataset
. Using artificial data lets us know the ground-truth for whether examples really are mis-labelled, and thus do evaluation. We create mislabelled_dataset
from correct_dataset
using the following procedure: We initialize the Pytorch model, trained using correct_dataset
, as correct_dataset_net
. For 10% of the examples in correct_dataset
, we use correct_dataset_net
to predict the probability the example belongs to each class. We then change the label to the most probable label that is incorrect.
Note that to know the ground truth for which examples in mislabelled_dataset
are mislabelled, we can compare the labels between mislabelled_dataset
and correct_dataset
. Also note that since both datasets have the same features, mislabelled_dataset
is defined in terms of correct_dataset
First, we initialize correct_dataset_net
, loading the parameters from training using correct_dataset
(we will use the last checkpoint from before, correct_dataset_final_checkpoint
correct_dataset_net = Net()
checkpoints_load_func(correct_dataset_net, correct_dataset_final_checkpoint)
Then, we generate both incorrect labels and extract correct labels for every example in correct_dataset
. We need the correct labels since some of the examples in incorrect_dataset
will still be correctly labelled. This should take < 10 minutes.
start_time =
incorrect_labels = []
correct_labels = []
correct_dataset_dataloader = DataLoader(correct_dataset, batch_size=128, shuffle=False)
for i, (batch_features, batch_correct_labels) in enumerate(correct_dataset_dataloader):
# get predicted probabilities of each class
batch_predictions = torch.nn.functional.softmax(correct_dataset_net(batch_features), dim=1)
# set the predicted probability of the correct class to 0
batch_predictions[torch.arange(0, len(batch_predictions)), batch_correct_labels] = 0
# most probable incorrect label is the remaining class with the highest predicted probability
batch_incorrect_labels = torch.argmax(batch_predictions, dim=1)
incorrect_labels =
correct_labels =
total_minutes = ( - start_time).total_seconds() / 60.0
print("Generated incorrect labels in %.2f minutes" % total_minutes)
Generated incorrect labels in 0.42 minutes
Now, we create the labels for mislabelled_dataset
. 10% will come from incorrect_labels
, and the remaining from correct_labels
mislabelled_proportion = 0.10
use_incorrect = torch.rand(len(incorrect_labels)) < mislabelled_proportion
mislabelled_dataset_labels = (use_incorrect * incorrect_labels) + ((~use_incorrect) * correct_labels)
Finally, define mislabelled_dataset
, which will depend on correct_dataset
, as they share features
class MislabelledDataset(Dataset):
def __init__(self, correct_dataset: Dataset, mislabelled_dataset_labels: torch.Tensor):
self.correct_dataset, self.mislabelled_dataset_labels = correct_dataset, mislabelled_dataset_labels
def __getitem__(self, i):
return self.correct_dataset[i][0], self.mislabelled_dataset_labels[i]
def __len__(self):
return len(self.correct_dataset)
mislabelled_dataset = MislabelledDataset(correct_dataset, mislabelled_dataset_labels)
We can now extract the ground-truth of whether examples in mislabelled_dataset
are mislabelled by comparing the labels extracted from mislabelled_dataset
with those extracted from correct_dataset
, and verify that indeed ~10% of examples in mislabelled_dataset
are mislabelled. This ground-truth is saved as is_mislabelled
, and will be used later for evaluation.
_incorrect_dataset_labels = torch.Tensor([mislabelled_dataset[i][1] for i in range(len(mislabelled_dataset))])
_correct_dataset_labels = torch.Tensor([correct_dataset[i][1] for i in range(len(correct_dataset))])
is_mislabelled = _incorrect_dataset_labels != _correct_dataset_labels
print("%.2f percent of the labels in `incorrect_dataset` are mislabelled." % (100 * torch.mean(is_mislabelled.float())))
10.01 percent of the labels in `incorrect_dataset` are mislabelled.
To detect mislabelled examples in mislabelled_dataset
, we need to first train a model using mislabelled_dataset
, and save the checkpoints. We will train net
for 101 epochs on mislabelled_dataset
We first define the folder to save checkpoints in. We will need this folder later to run a TracInCP algorithm.
mislabelled_dataset_checkpoints_dir = os.path.join("checkpoints", "cifar_10_mislabelled_dataset")
Finally, we train the model, converting mislabelled_dataset
and test_dataset
into DataLoader
s, and saving every 20-th checkpoint.
For this tutorial, we have saved the checkpoints from this training on AWS S3, and you can just download those checkpoints instead of doing time-intensive training. If you want to do training yourself, please set the do_training
flag in the next cell to True
num_epochs = 101
do_training = False # change to `True` if you want to do training
if do_training:
train(net, num_epochs, DataLoader(mislabelled_dataset, batch_size=128, shuffle=True), DataLoader(test_dataset, batch_size=128, shuffle=True), mislabelled_dataset_checkpoints_dir, save_every=20)
elif not os.path.exists(mislabelled_dataset_checkpoints_dir):
# this should download the zipped folder of checkpoints from the S3 bucket,
# then unzip the folder to produce checkpoints in the folder `checkpoints/cifar_10_mislabelled_dataset`
# this is done if checkpoints do not already exist in the folder
# if the below commands do not work, please manually download and unzip the folder to produce checkpoints in that folder
!wget -O checkpoints/
!unzip -o checkpoints/ -d checkpoints
--2022-11-15 14:58:58-- Resolving fwdproxy (fwdproxy)... 2401:db00:12ff:ff13:face:b00c:0:1e10 Connecting to fwdproxy (fwdproxy)|2401:db00:12ff:ff13:face:b00c:0:1e10|:8080... connected. Proxy request sent, awaiting response... 200 OK Length: 2780482 (2.7M) [application/zip] Saving to: ‘checkpoints/’ checkpoints/cifar_1 100%[===================>] 2.65M 824KB/s in 3.3s 2022-11-15 14:59:02 (824 KB/s) - ‘checkpoints/’ saved [2780482/2780482] Archive: checkpoints/ inflating: checkpoints/cifar_10_mislabelled_dataset/ inflating: checkpoints/cifar_10_mislabelled_dataset/ inflating: checkpoints/cifar_10_mislabelled_dataset/ inflating: checkpoints/cifar_10_mislabelled_dataset/ inflating: checkpoints/cifar_10_mislabelled_dataset/ inflating: checkpoints/cifar_10_mislabelled_dataset/
We define the list of checkpoints, mislabelled_dataset_checkpoint_paths
, to be all saved checkpoints from training.
mislabelled_dataset_checkpoint_paths = glob.glob(os.path.join(mislabelled_dataset_checkpoints_dir, "*.pt"))
For the sake of this tutorial, to save time / memory, we will only consider gradients in the last fully-connected layer, and will not use TracInCP
. Because we will be calculating self influence scores, we should use TracInCPFast
(recall TracInCPFastRandProj
should not be used in self influence mode).
instance¶We now define the TracInCPFast
instance. Initialization should be instantaneous, as no pre-processing is done. Note that we use the mislabelled dataset and checkpoints from training with it, i.e. mislabelled_dataset
and mislabelled_dataset_checkpoint_paths
tracin_cp_fast = TracInCPFast(
We can now calculate self influence for incorrect_dataset
. Note that the function call will have no arguments, because incorrect_dataset
was already loaded during the initialization of tracin_cp_fast
. This should take several minutes.
start_time =
self_influence_scores = tracin_cp_fast.self_influence()
total_minutes = ( - start_time).total_seconds() / 60.0
print('computed self influence scores for %d examples in %.2f minutes' % (len(self_influence_scores), total_minutes))
computed self influence scores for 50000 examples in 0.50 minutes
To evaluate the ability of TracInCP to identify mislabelled examples by calculating self influence scores, we want to answer the question "does ranking examples by self influence score (in descending order) tend to rank mislabelled examples before correctly-labelled samples?"
We can answer this by displaying the ROC curve from using self influence scores to identify mislabelled examples. This is similar to how we display the ROC curve to measure performance when we use the predicted positive probability to identify true positives.
Recall that we have already calculated is_mislabelled
, the ground-truth of whether each example is mislabelled. Below is the ROC curve:
fpr, tpr, _ = roc_curve(is_mislabelled, self_influence_scores)
fig, ax = plt.subplots()
ax.plot(fpr, tpr)
fontsize = 10
ax.set_ylabel("TPR (proportion of mislabelled examples found)", fontsize=fontsize)
ax.set_xlabel("FPR (proportion of correctly-labelled examples examined)", fontsize=fontsize)
ax.set_title("ROC curve when identifying mislabelled examples using self influence scores")
We see that prioritizing by self influence scores tends to prioritize mislabelled examples over correctly-labelled examples. Note that the performance (i.e. area under ROC curve) will be much better if we had used a better model, like resnet; the goal of this tutorial is just to demonstrate usage for TracInCP.