In the second part of interpreting Bert models we look into attention matrices, their importance scores, vector norms and compare them with the results that we found in Part 1.
Similar to Part 1 we use Bert Question Answering model fine-tuned on SQUAD dataset using transformers library from Hugging Face:
In order to be able to use the same setup and reproduce the results form Part 1 we will redefine same setup and helper functions in this tutorial as well.
In this tutorial we compare attention matrices with their importance scores when we attribute them to a particular class, and vector norms as proposed in paper:
We show that the importance scores computed for the attention matrices and specific class are more meaningful than the attention matrices alone or different norm vectors computed for different input activations.
Note: Before running this tutorial, please install seaborn
, pandas
and matplotlib
, transformers
(from hugging face) python packages in addition to Captum
and torch
This tutorial was built using transformer version 4.3.0.
import os
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import seaborn as sns
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import torch
import torch.nn as nn
from transformers import BertTokenizer, BertForQuestionAnswering, BertConfig
from captum.attr import visualization as viz
from captum.attr import IntegratedGradients, LayerConductance, LayerIntegratedGradients, LayerActivation
from captum.attr import configure_interpretable_embedding_layer, remove_interpretable_embedding_layer
device = torch.device("cuda:0" if torch.cuda.is_available() else "cpu")
The first step is to fine-tune BERT model on SQUAD dataset. This can be easiy accomplished by following the steps described in hugging face's official web site:
Note that the fine-tuning is done on a bert-base-uncased
pre-trained model.
After we pretrain the model, we can load the tokenizer and pre-trained BERT model using the commands described below.
# replace <PATH-TO-SAVED-MODEL> with the real path of the saved model
model_path = '<PATH-TO-SAVED-MODEL>'
# load model
model = BertForQuestionAnswering.from_pretrained(model_path, output_attentions=True)
# load tokenizer
tokenizer = BertTokenizer.from_pretrained(model_path)
A helper function to perform forward pass of the model and make predictions.
def predict(inputs, token_type_ids=None, position_ids=None, attention_mask=None):
output = model(inputs, token_type_ids=token_type_ids,
position_ids=position_ids, attention_mask=attention_mask, )
return output.start_logits, output.end_logits, output.attentions
Defining a custom forward function that will allow us to access the start and end positions of our prediction using position
input argument.
def squad_pos_forward_func(inputs, token_type_ids=None, position_ids=None, attention_mask=None, position=0):
pred = model(inputs_embeds=inputs, token_type_ids=token_type_ids,
position_ids=position_ids, attention_mask=attention_mask, )
pred = pred[position]
return pred.max(1).values
Let's define some variables and functions that will help us to compute the attribution of attention matrices for specific output such as start or end positions of the prediction.
To do so, we need to define baselines / references, numericalize both the baselines and the inputs. We will define helper functions to achieve that.
The cell below defines numericalized special tokens that will be later used for constructing inputs and corresponding baselines/references.
ref_token_id = tokenizer.pad_token_id # A token used for generating token reference
sep_token_id = tokenizer.sep_token_id # A token used as a separator between question and text and it is also added to the end of the text.
cls_token_id = tokenizer.cls_token_id # A token used for prepending to the concatenated question-text word sequence
Below we define a set of helper function for constructing references / baselines for word tokens, token types and position ids.
def construct_input_ref_pair(question, text, ref_token_id, sep_token_id, cls_token_id):
question_ids = tokenizer.encode(question, add_special_tokens=False)
text_ids = tokenizer.encode(text, add_special_tokens=False)
# construct input token ids
input_ids = [cls_token_id] + question_ids + [sep_token_id] + text_ids + [sep_token_id]
# construct reference token ids
ref_input_ids = [cls_token_id] + [ref_token_id] * len(question_ids) + [sep_token_id] + \
[ref_token_id] * len(text_ids) + [sep_token_id]
return torch.tensor([input_ids], device=device), torch.tensor([ref_input_ids], device=device), len(question_ids)
def construct_input_ref_token_type_pair(input_ids, sep_ind=0):
seq_len = input_ids.size(1)
token_type_ids = torch.tensor([[0 if i <= sep_ind else 1 for i in range(seq_len)]], device=device)
ref_token_type_ids = torch.zeros_like(token_type_ids, device=device)# * -1
return token_type_ids, ref_token_type_ids
def construct_input_ref_pos_id_pair(input_ids):
seq_length = input_ids.size(1)
position_ids = torch.arange(seq_length, dtype=torch.long, device=device)
# we could potentially also use random permutation with `torch.randperm(seq_length, device=device)`
ref_position_ids = torch.zeros(seq_length, dtype=torch.long, device=device)
position_ids = position_ids.unsqueeze(0).expand_as(input_ids)
ref_position_ids = ref_position_ids.unsqueeze(0).expand_as(input_ids)
return position_ids, ref_position_ids
def construct_attention_mask(input_ids):
return torch.ones_like(input_ids)
def construct_whole_bert_embeddings(input_ids, ref_input_ids, \
token_type_ids=None, ref_token_type_ids=None, \
position_ids=None, ref_position_ids=None):
input_embeddings = interpretable_embedding.indices_to_embeddings(input_ids)
ref_input_embeddings = interpretable_embedding.indices_to_embeddings(ref_input_ids)
return input_embeddings, ref_input_embeddings
Let's define the question - text
pair that we'd like to use as an input for our Bert model and interpret what the model was focusing on when predicting an answer to the question from given input text
question, text = "What is important to us?", "It is important to us to include, empower and support humans of all kinds."
Let's numericalize the question, the input text and generate corresponding baselines / references for all three sub-embeddings (word, token type and position embeddings) types using our helper functions defined above.
input_ids, ref_input_ids, sep_id = construct_input_ref_pair(question, text, ref_token_id, sep_token_id, cls_token_id)
token_type_ids, ref_token_type_ids = construct_input_ref_token_type_pair(input_ids, sep_id)
position_ids, ref_position_ids = construct_input_ref_pos_id_pair(input_ids)
attention_mask = construct_attention_mask(input_ids)
indices = input_ids[0].detach().tolist()
all_tokens = tokenizer.convert_ids_to_tokens(indices)
Also, let's define the ground truth for prediction's start and end positions.
ground_truth = 'to include, empower and support humans of all kinds'
ground_truth_tokens = tokenizer.encode(ground_truth, add_special_tokens=False)
ground_truth_end_ind = indices.index(ground_truth_tokens[-1])
ground_truth_start_ind = ground_truth_end_ind - len(ground_truth_tokens) + 1
Now let's make predictions using input, token type, position id and a default attention mask.
start_scores, end_scores, output_attentions = predict(input_ids,
token_type_ids=token_type_ids, \
position_ids=position_ids, \
print('Question: ', question)
print('Predicted Answer: ', ' '.join(all_tokens[torch.argmax(start_scores) : torch.argmax(end_scores)+1]))
Question: What is important to us? Predicted Answer: to include , em ##power and support humans of all kinds
represent attention matrices aka attention probabilities for all 12 layers and all 12 heads. It represents softmax-normalized dot-product between the key and query vectors. In the literature ( it has been used as an importance indicator of how much a token attends / relates to another token in the text. In case of translation for example it is a good indicator of how much a token in one language attends to the corresponding translation in another language. In case of Question Answering model it indicates which tokens attend / relate to each other in question, text or answer segment.
Since output_attentions
contains the layers in a list, we will stack them in order to move everything into a tensor.
# shape -> layer x batch x head x seq_len x seq_len
output_attentions_all = torch.stack(output_attentions)
Below helper function will be used for visualizing token-to-token relation / attention scores for all heads in a given layer or for all layers across all heads.
def visualize_token2token_scores(scores_mat, x_label_name='Head'):
fig = plt.figure(figsize=(20, 20))
for idx, scores in enumerate(scores_mat):
scores_np = np.array(scores)
ax = fig.add_subplot(4, 3, idx+1)
# append the attention weights
im = ax.imshow(scores, cmap='viridis')
fontdict = {'fontsize': 10}
ax.set_xticklabels(all_tokens, fontdict=fontdict, rotation=90)
ax.set_yticklabels(all_tokens, fontdict=fontdict)
ax.set_xlabel('{} {}'.format(x_label_name, idx+1))
fig.colorbar(im, fraction=0.046, pad=0.04)
Below helper function will be used for visualizing the importance scores for tokens across all heads in all layers.
def visualize_token2head_scores(scores_mat):
fig = plt.figure(figsize=(30, 50))
for idx, scores in enumerate(scores_mat):
scores_np = np.array(scores)
ax = fig.add_subplot(6, 2, idx+1)
# append the attention weights
im = ax.matshow(scores_np, cmap='viridis')
fontdict = {'fontsize': 20}
ax.set_xticklabels(all_tokens, fontdict=fontdict, rotation=90)
ax.set_yticklabels(range(len(scores[0])), fontdict=fontdict)
ax.set_xlabel('Layer {}'.format(idx+1))
fig.colorbar(im, fraction=0.046, pad=0.04)
Let's examine a specific layer. For that reason we will define a fixed layer id that will be used for visualization purposes. The users are free to change this layer if they want to examine a different one.
layer = 11
Visualizing attention matrices for a selected layer layer
Based on the visualizations above we observe that there is a high attention set along the diagonals and on an uninformative token such as [SEP]
. This is something that was observed in previous papers which indicates that attention matrices aren't always a good indicator of finding which tokens are more important or which token is related to which. We observe similar pattern when we examine another layer.
In the cell below we compute and visualize L2 norm across head axis for all 12 layer. This provides a summary for each layer across all heads.
Defining normalization function depending on pytorch version.
if torch.__version__ >= '1.7.0':
norm_fn = torch.linalg.norm
norm_fn = torch.norm
visualize_token2token_scores(norm_fn(output_attentions_all, dim=2).squeeze().detach().cpu().numpy(),
Based on the visualiziation above we can convince ourselves that attention scores aren't trustworthy measures of importances for token-to-token relations across all layers. We see strong signal along the diagonal and for the [SEP]
and [CLS]
tokens. These signals, however, aren't true indicators of what semantic the model learns.
In the cells below we visualize the attribution scores of attention matrices for the start and end position positions prediction and compare with the actual attention matrices. To do so, first of all, we compute the attribution scores using LayerConductance algorithm similar to Part 1.
A helper function to summarize attributions for each word token in the sequence.
def summarize_attributions(attributions):
attributions = attributions.sum(dim=-1).squeeze(0)
attributions = attributions / norm_fn(attributions)
return attributions
Now let's look into the layers of our network. More specifically we would like to look into the distribution of attribution scores for each token across all layers and attribution matrices for each head in all layers in Bert model.
We do that using one of the layer attribution algorithms, namely, layer conductance. However, we encourage you to try out and compare the results with other algorithms as well.
Let's configure InterpretableEmbeddingsBase
again, in this case in order to interpret the layers of our model.
interpretable_embedding = configure_interpretable_embedding_layer(model, 'bert.embeddings.word_embeddings')
Let's iterate over all layers and compute the attributions w.r.t. all tokens in the input and attention matrices.
Note: Since below code is iterating over all layers it can take over 5 seconds. Please be patient!
layer_attrs_start = []
layer_attrs_end = []
layer_attn_mat_start = []
layer_attn_mat_end = []
input_embeddings, ref_input_embeddings = construct_whole_bert_embeddings(input_ids, ref_input_ids, \
token_type_ids=token_type_ids, ref_token_type_ids=ref_token_type_ids, \
position_ids=position_ids, ref_position_ids=ref_position_ids)
for i in range(model.config.num_hidden_layers):
lc = LayerConductance(squad_pos_forward_func, model.bert.encoder.layer[i])
layer_attributions_start = lc.attribute(inputs=input_embeddings, baselines=ref_input_embeddings, additional_forward_args=(token_type_ids, position_ids,attention_mask, 0))
layer_attributions_end = lc.attribute(inputs=input_embeddings, baselines=ref_input_embeddings, additional_forward_args=(token_type_ids, position_ids,attention_mask, 1))
# layer x seq_len
layer_attrs_start = torch.stack(layer_attrs_start)
# layer x seq_len
layer_attrs_end = torch.stack(layer_attrs_end)
# layer x batch x head x seq_len x seq_len
layer_attn_mat_start = torch.stack(layer_attn_mat_start)
# layer x batch x head x seq_len x seq_len
layer_attn_mat_end = torch.stack(layer_attn_mat_end)
As a reminder of Part 1 we visualize the heatmaps of the attributions for the outputs of all 12 layers in the plots below. The outputs of 12 layers are also known as context layer which represents the dot product between the attribution matrices and value vector.
The plot below represents a heatmap of attributions across all layers and tokens for the start position prediction.
Note that here we do not have information about different heads. Heads related information will be examined separately when we visualize the attribution scores of the attention matrices w.r.t. the start or end position predictions.
It is interesting to observe that the question word what
gains increasingly high attribution from layer one to ten. In the last two layers that importance is slowly diminishing.
In contrary to what
token, many other tokens have negative or close to zero attribution in the first 6 layers.
We start seeing slightly higher attribution in tokens important
, us
and to
. Interestingly token important
is also assigned high attribution score which is remarkably high in the fifth and sixth layers.
Lastly, our correctly predicted token to
gains increasingly high positive attribution especially in the last two layers.
fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(15,5))
ax = sns.heatmap(layer_attrs_start.cpu().detach().numpy(), xticklabels=xticklabels, yticklabels=yticklabels, linewidth=0.2)
Now let's examine the heat map of the attributions for the end position prediction. In the case of end position prediction we again observe high attribution scores for the token what
in the last 11 layers.
Correctly predicted end token kinds
has positive attribution across all layers and it is especially prominent in the last two layers. It's also interesting to observe that humans
token also has relatively high attribution score in the last two layers.
fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(15,5))
ax = sns.heatmap(layer_attrs_end.cpu().detach().numpy(), xticklabels=xticklabels, yticklabels=yticklabels, linewidth=0.2) #, annot=True
It is interesting to note that when we compare the heat maps of start and end position, overall the colors for start position prediction on the map have darker intensities. This implies that there are less tokens that attribute positively to the start position prediction and there are more tokens which are negative indicators or signals of start position prediction.
In this section we visualize the attribution scores of start and end position predictions w.r.t. attention matrices. Note that each layer has 12 heads, hence attention matrices. We will first visualize for a specific layer and head, later we will summarize across all heads in order to gain a bigger picture.
Below we visualize the attribution scores of 12 heads for selected layer layer
for start position prediction.
As we can see from the visualizations above, in contrary to attention scores the attributions of specific target w.r.t. to those scores are more meaningful and most importantly, they do not attend to [SEP]
token or show diagonal patterns. We observe that heads 4, 9, 12 and 2 show strong relationship between what
and it
tokens when predicting start position, head 10 and 11 between it
and it
, heads 8 between important
and to
and head 1 between to
and what
. Note that to
token is the start position of the answer token. It is also important to mention that these observations are for a selected layer
. We can change the index of selected layer
and examine interesting relationships in other layers.
In the cell below we visualize the attention attribution scores normalized across the head axis.
visualize_token2token_scores(norm_fn(layer_attn_mat_start, dim=2).squeeze().detach().cpu().numpy(),
By looking at the visualizations above we can see that the model pays attention to very specific handpicked relationships when making a sprediction for start position. Most notably in the layers 10, 7, 11 and 4 it focuses more on the relationships between it
and is
, important
and to
Now let's run the same experiments for the end position prediction. Below we visualize the attribution scorese of attention matrices for the end position prediction for the selected layer
As we can see from the visualizations above that for the end position prediction we have stronger attention towards the end of the answer token kinds
. Here we can see stronger connection between humans
and kinds
in the 11th head, it
and em
, power
, and
in the 5th, 6th and 8th heads. The connections between it
and what
are also strong in first couple and 10th heads.
Similar to start position let's visualize the norm across all heads for each layer.
visualize_token2token_scores(norm_fn(layer_attn_mat_end, dim=2).squeeze().detach().cpu().numpy(),