Source code for captum.attr._utils.interpretable_input

from abc import ABC, abstractmethod
from typing import Any, Callable, Dict, List, Optional, Tuple, Union

import torch
from torch import Tensor

def _scatter_itp_attr_by_mask(
    itp_attr: Tensor,
    input_shape: Tuple[int, ...],
    mask: Tensor,
) -> Tensor:
    Scatter the attribution of the interpretable features to the model input shape
    by mask, if the interpretable features are the mask groups of the raw
    input elements,

    # itp_attr in shape(*output_dims, n_itp_features)
    output_dims = itp_attr.shape[:-1]
    n_itp_features = itp_attr.shape[-1]

    # input_shape in shape(batch_size, *inp_feature_dims)
    # attribute in shape(*output_dims, *inp_feature_dims)
    attr_shape = (*output_dims, *input_shape[1:])

    expanded_feature_indices = mask.expand(attr_shape)

    if len(input_shape) > 2:
        # exclude batch_size & last of actual value
        extra_inp_dims = list(input_shape[1:-1])

        # unsqueeze itp_attr to have same number of dims as input
        # (*output_dims, 1..., 1, n_itp_features)
        # then broadcast to (*output_dims, *inp.shape[1:-1], n_itp_features)
        n_extra_dims = len(extra_inp_dims)
        unsqueezed_shape = (*output_dims, *(1,) * n_extra_dims, n_itp_features)
        expanded_shape = (*output_dims, *extra_inp_dims, n_itp_features)
        expanded_itp_attr = itp_attr.reshape(unsqueezed_shape).expand(expanded_shape)
        expanded_itp_attr = itp_attr

    # gather from (*output_dims, *inp.shape[1:-1], n_itp_features)
    attr = torch.gather(expanded_itp_attr, -1, expanded_feature_indices)

    return attr

[docs] class InterpretableInput(ABC): """ InterpretableInput is an adapter for different kinds of model inputs to work in Captum's attribution methods. Generally, attribution methods of Captum assume the inputs are numerical PyTorch tensors whose 1st dimension must be batch size and each index in the rest of dimensions is an interpretable feature. But this is not always true in practice. First, the model may take inputs of formats other than tensor that also require attributions. For example, a model with encapsulated tokenizer can directly take string as input. Second, what is considered as an interpretable feature always depends on the actual application and the user's desire. For example, the interpretable feature of an image tensor can either be each pixel or some segments. For text, users may see the entire string as one interpretable feature or view each word as one interpretable feature. This class provides a place to define what is the actual model input and the corresponding interpretable format for attribution, and the transformation between them. It serves as a common interface to be used inthe attribution methods to make Captum understand how to perturb various inputs. The concept Interpretable Input mainly comes from the following two papers: `"Why Should I Trust You?": Explaining the Predictions of Any Classifier <>`_ `A Unified Approach to Interpreting Model Predictions <>`_ which is also referred to as interpretable representation or simplified input. It can be represented as a mapping function: .. math:: x = h_x(x') where :math:`x` is the model input, which can be anything that the model consumes; :math:`x'` is the interpretable input used in the attribution algorithms (it must be a PyTorch tensor in Captum), which is often binary indicating the “presence” or “absence”; :math:`h_x` is the transformer. It is supposed to work with perturbation-based attribution methods, but if :math:`h_x` is differentiable, it may also be used in gradient-based methods. InterpretableInput is the abstract class defining the interface. Captum provides the child implementations for some common input formats, like text and sparse features. Users can inherit this class to create other types of customized input. (We expect to support InterpretableInput in all attribution methods, but it is only allowed in certain attribution classes like LLMAttribution for now.) """
[docs] @abstractmethod def to_tensor(self) -> Tensor: """ Return the interpretable representation of this input as a tensor Returns: itp_tensor (Tensor): interpretable tensor """ pass
[docs] @abstractmethod def to_model_input(self, itp_tensor: Optional[Tensor] = None) -> Any: """ Get the (perturbed) input in the format required by the model based on the given (perturbed) interpretable representation. Args: itp_tensor (Tensor, optional): tensor of the interpretable representation of this input. If it is None, assume the interpretable representation is pristine and return the original model input Default: None. Returns: model_input (Any): model input passed to the forward function """ pass
[docs] def format_attr(self, itp_attr: Tensor) -> Tensor: """ Format the attribution of the interpretable feature if needed. The way of formatting depends on the specific interpretable input type. A common use is if the interpretable features are the mask groups of the raw input elements, the attribution of the interpretable features can be scattered back to the model input shape. Args: itp_attr (Tensor): attributions of the interpretable features Returns: attr (Tensor): formatted attribution """ return itp_attr
[docs] class TextTemplateInput(InterpretableInput): """ TextTemplateInput is an implementation of InterpretableInput for text inputs, whose interpretable features are certain segments (e.g., words, phrases) of the text. It takes a template string (or function) to define the feature segmentats of the input text. Its input format to the model will be the completed text, while its interpretable representation will be a binary tensor of the number of the segment features whose values indicates if the feature is “presence” or “absence”. Args: template (str or Callable): template string or function that takes the text segments and format them into the text input for the model values (List[str] or Dict[str, str]): the values of the segments. it is the input to the template. baselines (List[str] or Dict[str, str] or Callable or None, optional): the baseline values for the segment features. If it is None, emptry string will be used as the baseline. Default: None mask (List[int] or Dict[str, int] or None, optional): the mask to group the segment features. It must be in the same format as the values and assign each segment a mask index. Segments with the same index will be seen as a single interpretable feature, which means they must be perturbed together and end with same attributions. Default: None Examples:: >>> text_inp = TextTemplateInput( >>> template="{} feels {} right now", >>> values=["He", "depressed"], >>> baselines=["It", "neutral"], >>> ) >>> >>> text_inp.to_tensor() >>> # torch.tensor([[1, 1]]) >>> >>> text_inp.to_model_input(torch.tensor([[0, 1]])) >>> # "It feels depressed right now" """ def __init__( self, template: Union[str, Callable], values: Union[List[str], Dict[str, str]], baselines: Union[List[str], Dict[str, str], Callable, None] = None, mask: Union[List[int], Dict[str, int], None] = None, ): # convert values dict to list if isinstance(values, dict): dict_keys = list(values.keys()) values = [values[k] for k in dict_keys] else: assert isinstance( values, list ), f"the values must be either a list or a dict, received: {type(values)}" dict_keys = [] self.values = values self.dict_keys = dict_keys n_features = len(values) if baselines is None: # default baseline is to remove the element baselines = [""] * len(values) elif not callable(baselines): if dict_keys: assert isinstance(baselines, dict), ( "if values is a dict, the baselines must also be a dict " "or a callable which return a dict, " f"received: {type(baselines)}" ) # convert dict to list baselines = [baselines[k] for k in dict_keys] else: assert isinstance(baselines, list), ( "if values is a list, the baselines must also be a list " "or a callable which return a list, " f"received: {type(baselines)}" ) self.baselines = baselines if mask is None: n_itp_features = n_features else: if self.dict_keys: assert isinstance(mask, dict), ( "if values is dict, the mask must also be a dict, " f"received: {type(mask)}" ) # convert dict to list mask = [mask[k] for k in self.dict_keys] mask_ids = set(mask) mask_id_to_idx = {mid: i for i, mid in enumerate(mask_ids)} # internal compressed mask of continuous interpretable indices from 0 # cannot replace original mask of ids for grouping across values externally self.formatted_mask = [mask_id_to_idx[mid] for mid in mask] n_itp_features = len(mask_ids) # number of raw features and intepretable features self.n_features = n_features self.n_itp_features = n_itp_features if isinstance(template, str): template = template.format else: assert callable(template), ( "the template must be either a string or a callable, " f"received: {type(template)}" ) template = template self.format_fn = template self.mask = mask
[docs] def to_tensor(self) -> torch.Tensor: # Interpretable representation in shape(1, n_itp_features) return torch.tensor([[1.0] * self.n_itp_features])
[docs] def to_model_input(self, perturbed_tensor: Optional[Tensor] = None) -> str: values = list(self.values) # clone if perturbed_tensor is not None: if callable(self.baselines): # a placeholder for advanced baselines # TODO: support callable baselines baselines = self.baselines() if self.dict_keys: assert isinstance(baselines, dict), ( "if values is a dict and the baselines is a callable" f"it must return a dict, received: {type(baselines)}" ) baselines = [baselines[k] for k in self.dict_keys] else: assert isinstance(baselines, list), ( "if values is a list and the baselines is a callable" f"it must return a list, received: {type(baselines)}" ) else: baselines = self.baselines for i in range(len(values)): itp_idx = i if self.mask: itp_idx = self.formatted_mask[i] itp_val = perturbed_tensor[0][itp_idx] if not itp_val: values[i] = baselines[i] if self.dict_keys: dict_values = dict(zip(self.dict_keys, values)) input_str = self.format_fn(**dict_values) else: input_str = self.format_fn(*values) return input_str
[docs] def format_attr(self, itp_attr: torch.Tensor) -> torch.Tensor: if self.mask is None: return itp_attr device = itp_attr.device formatted_attr = _scatter_itp_attr_by_mask( itp_attr, # shape(*output_dims, n_itp_features) (1, self.n_features), torch.tensor([self.formatted_mask], device=device), ) return formatted_attr
[docs] class TextTokenInput(InterpretableInput): """ TextTokenInput is an implementation of InterpretableInput for text inputs, whose interpretable features are the tokens of the text with respect to a given tokenizer. It is initiated with the string form of the input text and the corresponding tokenizer. Its input format to the model will be the tokenized id tensor, while its interpretable representation will be a binary tensor of the tokens whose values indicates if the token is “presence” or “absence”. Args: text (str): text string for the model tokenizer (Tokenizer): tokenizer of the language model baselines (int or str, optional): the baseline value for the tokens. It can be a string of the baseline token or an integer of the baseline token id. Common choices include unknown token or padding token. The default value is 0, which is commonly used for unknown token. Default: 0 skip_tokens (List[int] or List[str], optional): the tokens to skip in the the input's interpretable representation. Use this argument to define uninterested tokens, commonly like special tokens, e.g., sos, and unk. It can be a list of strings of the tokens or a list of integers of the token ids. Default: None Examples:: >>> text_inp = TextTokenInput("This is a test.", tokenizer) >>> >>> text_inp.to_tensor() >>> # the shape dependens on the tokenizer >>> # assuming it is broken into ["<s>", "This", "is", "a", "test", "."], >>> # torch.tensor([[1, 6]]) >>> >>> text_inp.to_model_input(torch.tensor([[0, 1]])) >>> # torch.tensor([[1, 6]]) """ def __init__( self, text: str, tokenizer, baselines: Union[int, str] = 0, # usually UNK skip_tokens: Union[List[int], List[str], None] = None, ): inp_tensor = tokenizer.encode(text, return_tensors="pt") # input tensor into the model of token ids self.inp_tensor = inp_tensor # tensor of interpretable token ids self.itp_tensor = inp_tensor # interpretable mask self.itp_mask = None if skip_tokens: if isinstance(skip_tokens[0], str): skip_tokens = tokenizer.convert_tokens_to_ids(skip_tokens) assert isinstance(skip_tokens, list) skip_token_set = set(skip_tokens) itp_mask = torch.zeros_like(inp_tensor) itp_mask.map_(inp_tensor, lambda _, v: v not in skip_token_set) itp_mask = itp_mask.bool() itp_tensor = inp_tensor[itp_mask].unsqueeze(0) self.itp_tensor = itp_tensor self.itp_mask = itp_mask self.skip_tokens = skip_tokens # features values, the tokens self.values = tokenizer.convert_ids_to_tokens(self.itp_tensor[0].tolist()) self.tokenizer = tokenizer self.n_itp_features = len(self.values) self.baselines = ( baselines if type(baselines) is int else tokenizer.convert_tokens_to_ids([baselines])[0] )
[docs] def to_tensor(self) -> torch.Tensor: # return the perturbation indicator as interpretable tensor instead of token ids return torch.ones_like(self.itp_tensor)
[docs] def to_model_input(self, perturbed_tensor=None) -> torch.Tensor: if perturbed_tensor is None: return self.inp_tensor device = perturbed_tensor.device perturb_mask = perturbed_tensor != 1 # perturb_per_eval or gradient based can expand the batch dim expand_shape = (perturbed_tensor.size(0), -1) perturb_itp_tensor = self.itp_tensor.expand(*expand_shape).clone().to(device) perturb_itp_tensor[perturb_mask] = self.baselines # if no iterpretable mask, the interpretable tensor is the input tensor if self.itp_mask is None: return perturb_itp_tensor perturb_inp_tensor = self.inp_tensor.expand(*expand_shape).clone().to(device) itp_mask = self.itp_mask.expand(*expand_shape).to(device) perturb_inp_tensor[itp_mask] = perturb_itp_tensor.view(-1) return perturb_inp_tensor
[docs] def format_attr(self, itp_attr: torch.Tensor): return itp_attr